Ex Machina

2014 Universal City Studios Productions LLLP. All Rights Reserved. 




第1回 英語表現(初級編)

Ava:  ‘Are you attracted to me?

Attracted to 【意味】魅かれる・魅力的に思う when you find something/someone pleasant, attractive, desirable.

Nathan:  ‘You wanna see something cool?’

wanna 【意味】~したい want toを短縮したもの 。
Cool  【意味】面白い interesting 
解説:口語で使われるくだけた英語表現です。 Informal English.  

Nathan (to Caleb):  ‘How do you feel about her?’ (Ava)

feel about (someone/something). 【意味】人・モノについて感じる
解説:Here Nathan is asking about Caleb’s emotional attachment to Ava.

Caleb (to Nathan):  ‘Can we talk about the lies you’ve been spinning me?’

Idiom: spin/spinning lies. 【意味】特定の印象を与えるためにペテンを働く・騙すこと。蜘蛛が糸を紡ぐ(spin)との関連があり。 To use trickery or deception to create a desired impression on someone.  Association with a spider ‘spinning a web’ (a web of lies).  
The person/people telling the lies are sometimes called a ‘Spin-Doctor(s)’ – especially as a negative opinion of politicians or big businesses.


 第2回 講師による台詞解説編

Caleb: ‘I am become death, the destroyer of worlds’ (Quoting J. Robert Oppenheimer)

Here Caleb (by quoting Oppenheimer who was heavily involved in creating the Nuclear bomb and later was remorseful for his involvement) is saying that Nathan is maybe a God for creating a new (artificial) life but there could be terrible consequences.

Nathan:  ‘There you go again.  Mr quotable.’

Someone who quotes other people or other’s research.  In this context it’s not a compliment but Nathan sound sarcastic. 

Ava:  ‘ Isn’t it strange, to create something that hates you?’

Do we expect the artificial life/machines to love us?  What if they hate us or think we are inferior to them (they are superior to us)?  Maybe they don’t want to be slaves.

Nathan:  ‘Impulse.  Response.  Fluid.  Imperfect.    Patterned.   Chaotic.’

解説:「検索エンジンは人間の思考形態そのものだ」に続く言葉です。Impulse 衝動 .  Response 反応.  Fluid 流動的.  Imperfect 未完成.    Patterned パターン化され.   Chaotic. 混乱している という意味になります。
Interesting  vocabulary talking the artificial intelligence.  Impulse and response suggest quickness.  Fluid suggests smooth operating.  Imperfect is a negative word meaning it has flaws or is not 100% perfect.   Patterned suggests a distinctive design.  Chaotic usually has a negative meaning of not ordered.

Nathan:   ‘One day the AIs are going to look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons on the plains of Africa. An upright ape living in dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction.’

This is a pessimistic view saying that eventually artificial intelligence will replace humans.  The future is machine and not man. 

Caleb:  ‘Some people believe language exists from birth. And what is learned is the ability to attach words and structure to the latent ability.’ 

This has been debated over the years for learning new languages.   Can a robot (artificial intelligence) learn in the same way a baby does?


 第3回 講師の特に印象に残ったシーン


Nathan: [about Kyoko] I told you, you're wasting your time talking to her. However, you would not be wasting your time... if you were *dancing* with her. [turns on lights and music]

解説:The song that Nathan and Kyoko are dancing to is “Get Down Saturday Night” by Oliver Cheatham.  I think this scene shows Nathan’s moral weakness and less than pure intentions in creating the artificial intentions.

Caleb: Why did you give her sexuality? An AI doesn't need a gender. She could have been a grey box.

解説:I think this scene shows Nathan’s moral weakness and less than pure intentions in creating the artificial intelligence.

‘There is nothing more human than the will to survive’ (advertising strapline)

解説:This is the heart of the film.  Wouldn’t we do anything not to be a slave for others?


