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Registration and Payment for the University of London Exams

Welcome to the British Council’s registration and payment system for University of London exams. The following guidance is important. Following it will ensure you receive your Validation Code within two working days.

What information does the British Council need and why is accuracy important:

• the correct details of the exam modules you have selected during University of London Assessment Entry. We need these so we can match your British Council registration to your University of London Assessment Entry. If the data you provide cannot be matched then the British Council will not be able to issue a Validation Code and will email you with further guidance.

• Your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY), Email address and Contact number. This should match the data held by the University of London. This data will ensure British Council can do everything possible to match your registration to the Assessment Entry provided to us by the University of London.

Online payment will ensure your registration is processed immediately. You will receive an automatic confirmation of registration regardless the payment has been successfully processed, but the registration will be considered complete only after the successful payment.

If you fail to pay, you will receive in the automatic email a link to try again the online payment; you have up to 10 attempts. If you do not complete within 48 hours your registration may be cancelled.

How to guide - Registering for UOL exams using Eventsforce V01

Complete your registration at 

You should use the email address that you have registered with the University of London. British Council will send all further correspondence, including your Validation Code and later exam confirmation details to the e-mail registered with the University of London. Reasons why it might take more than two working days to provide a Validation Code:

• The British Council cannot match the Exam Module(s) you have selected to the University of London Assessment Entry you have made. In such cases the British Council will write with guidance on how to proceed.

• Your online payment was not successful. If this happens you will have received an automated email at the email address provided during the British Council registration process with a link to access and complete payment.

• You have opted for an offline payment. The British Council will only send you the Validation Code once your payment has reached us.

The University of London will not accept Validation Codes from previous exam sessions. So you must complete your British Council registration and payment to receive a new Validation Code before you can complete your University of London Assessment Entry task and sit your exam.

The British Council’s registration and payment portal will be open from 22nd January 2025 and close 27th February 2025.

Exam seats are allocated by the British Council on a first come first served basis and while the British Council guarantees you an exam seat it cannot guarantee whether that will be a morning or afternoon sitting. If demand is exceptionally high, then the British Council may request the University of London to arrange an additional sitting on another date (usually the following day).

The British Council Terms and Conditions are available on the Registration Platform and you will have the opportunity to read and accept before you continue with your registration.

When to contact at the British Council

• You should only contact your local British Council office if:

o you are having an issue gaining access to the British Council Registration and Payment system;

o you are experiencing difficulties making online or offline payments; or

o any information emailed to you by the British Council is unclear.

• All other enquiries should be directed to the University of London in the usual way.

External links