Tuesday 01 June 2021 to Sunday 06 June 2021

The British Council, in partnership with Owlspot Theatre and Graeae Theatre Company, will stage a collaborative production of "The Tempest: Swimming for Beginners" from 1 to 6 June 2021.

Jenny Sealey, a pioneer of the UK disability arts movement and co-director of the London 2012 Paralympic Games opening ceremony, oversees the production as Artistic Director. The production features disabled directors and cast members from three countries - Japan, the UK and Bangladesh, which is a bold modern reworking of Shakespeare's last play, reflecting the impact of Covid-19 on the world.

In addition to Jenny, the production will be directed by Hiroe Ohashi and Yasushi Oka, both of whom were selected at workshops . The cast includes Kotaro Yanagi, who made his debut in the hugely popular musical “The Prince of Tennis”, four Japanese, three British and two Bangladeshi disabled artists, and CODA (Children of Deaf Adults) actress Sakura Yoshidomi, who was raised by a deaf mother. Please come and enjoy the new “The Tempest” that transcends differences in culture, language and disability.

Performance Outline

Name of the performance: "The Tempest - Swimming for Beginners"
Date: Tuesday 1 - Sunday 6 June 2021
Venue: Owlspot Theatre (Toshima Performing Arts Centre) 

Script: William Shakespeare, Pamela Carter
Original script tranlation: Kazuko Matsuoka
Text translation: Keiko Nagata
Artistic direction: Jenny Sealey 
Direction: Hiroe Ohashi, Yasushi Oka
Cast: Hiroe Ohashi, Sachika Segawa, Rio Sekiba, Hidetada Tashiro, Kazumi Hiratsuka, Kotaro Yanagi
Sakura Yoshidomi
Cast in the video: (UK) Phillipa Cole, Fatima Niemogha, Jack Hunter, Jenny Sealey / (Bangladesh) Mohammad Saddam Bepary, Morshed Mia

Organised by: British Council, Toshima Mirai Cultural Foundation, Toshima City
In Association with: Graeae Theatre Company, Dhaka Theatre
Supported by: Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

Performance Schedule

  • 19:00 Tuesday 1 June (Preview) 
  • 19:00 Wednesday 2 June 
  • 14:00 Thursday 3 June
  • 19:00 Friday 4 June 
  • 13:00 / 18:00 Saturday 5 June
  • 13:00 Sunday 6 June

*The foyer of the theatre opens 60 minutes before the start of the performance. The door opens 30 minutes before the start of the performance.
*Please note that pre-school children are not allowed to enter the venue.
*Please contact the Toshima Ticket Centre in advance if you are a wheelchair user or bring an assistance dog.

Ticket prices (all seats reserved / tax included)

  • Preview (all tickets) 3,500 yen
  • General admission 5,000 yen
  • U24 (Under 24 years old) 2,500yen *
  • Discount ticket for Toshima ward residents 4,500yen **
  • Discount ticket for disabled audiences 4,200 yen ***

*Student ID and proof of age required at the door.
**Toshima ward residents discount (living, working and studying) is available only for advance tickets.
***Discount for disabled audiecnes is the same price for one carer.

Ticket Sales and Inquiries

Toshima Ticket Centre 
Telephone: 0570-056-777 (10:00-17:00, with temporary closing)
Ticket office: Toshima Kumin Centre, 1st floor (10:00-19:00, temporary closing)

External links

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Theatre, Dance
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UK in JAPAN Programme